b'NTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTto my young sons to put them to sleep at night, he said. I love that there is a wealth of knowledge at my fi ngertips and an answer to any problem I may have on the techni-calspectrum. Andifthereisnta specifi c solution in the Handbook, theresanothermemberwhohas experienced it and will share their knowledge.He credits his membership with getting in the door on some proj-ects, and having the confi dence to approach clients and projects with A NEWstandards-basedknowledgeand techniques.Thisnewfoundcon-CAREERfi dencehelpedmetakemywork andbusinesstothenextlevel, always progressing, he said.STARTS HERE Christensenconsidersthisjunc-Todaystureahugeturningpointinhis skilledcareer. The bar was raised and I laborgrew immensely over the following shortageyears, pushing my limits and taking is having aon more challenging projects, try-major impacting my best to do things the right on our industry. way, he said, even serving as the The National Tile ContractorsNTCAUtahState Ambassadorfor Association Apprenticeshipa time. Guidelines Program offersIn2014Ihadthehonorof guidance to NTCA members in devel- receivingaCoveringsInstallation oping their own tilenishers and tile setters apprenticeship programs. Our& Design award, Christensen said. program, part of the U.S. DepartmentThiswassuchanawesomeand of Labors National Apprenticeship System, uses an employer-driven, learn- asurrealexperiencetohavemy while-you-earn model that combinesworkrecognizedandcelebrated hands-on job-related training withon that level. What an honor. This NTCA University on-line learning.was defi nitely the pinnacle of my For more information on thecareer up until that point.NTCA Apprenticeship Guidelines Program, contact Becky Serbin atItshouldntbeasurprisethat becky@tile-assn.com or visit our website at tile-assn.com/NTCAU. Christensenshouldbeanaward-winner: his company is dedicated 62TileLetter | 2020'