b'NTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTNTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTluxury bathrooms.is sponsored by Christensen discovered the John Bridge Forum online in 2008 and eventually the NTCA. I remember being literally sick to my stomach when I saw the cali-Designedtodeliverattractive,berofworkthatwasbeingdone high-qualitytilesurfaceswhileout there, he admitted. I thought preventingcall-backs,CustomIwasgood.TurnsoutIhadso BuildingProductsPrismUltimatemuch to learn. And I was intrigued PerformanceCementGroutisthethattherewereactualstandards proven,go-toforourtrade,andguidebooksto optionforafollow to do things the right way. widevarietyofIwassoexcitedtohavefound installationproj- agroupoflike-mindedpeople, ects. A high-per- passionate about the tile craft and formance cementcommitted to doing things the right groutmeetingway and to a higher standard.ANSIA118.7,Around 2010, he joined NTCA, its formulated forreading the TCNA Handbook from higherstrength,cover to cover within the fi rst few moreresistance to cracking and less water absorp- weeks. I would even read it aloud tiontoreducethelikelihoodof staining. PrismUltimatePerformance Cement Grout can be used in joints from1/16to1/2.It willnot mottleorshaderegardlessoftile type,temperatureorhumidity,and does not contribute to ef orescence. Thedensityprovidesstainresis-tance while its rapid-setting formula expeditesprojects.PrismUltimatePerformance Cement Grout is light-weight, giving installers unmatched handlingandworkabilitywhile contributingto LEEDcerti cation. Availablein17-poundboxes, Prism Ultimate Performance Cement Groutcoversthesameareaasa 25-poundbagofstandardgrout.When his sons were little, Christensen www.custombuildingproducts.com.read to them from the TCNA Handbook. From the look of it, it paid off!60TileLetter | 2020'