b'NTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTIwasbroughtuptounderstandfi edapprenticeprogram."Asan theimportanceofmembershipinArchitecturalSalesRepresentative trade organizations that create com- with Daltile, I would share the ben-munityandstrengthentheindustryefi ts of the programming and specify-with education/new technology train- ingqualifi edlabor,shesaid.The ing, she said. For me, being activemoretraining,thebetterforthe in trade organizations is a great wayindustry.to enrich my professional experience.Taryngetsatremendousamount The tile business is changing, improv- of joy and satisfaction from her work ing and growing. Standards and bestwithin the tile industry.practice methods need to be createdI think the tile business is the best and met. My dad and his dad provedbusiness, she said. I am so proud they understood the fl of industryto be part of a business that buildsux andhavehelpedourbusinesstobeautiful things. Tile is a lasting fi n-thrive by being agile, ready to adaptish; our 50-year life cycle is only the and progressive. I see the tile businessbeginning. I love knowing I will leave as a community. Staying involved ina sustainable and beautiful impact on the community makes us all better. the world. I am also empowered to Thisunionshophasacerti- be a female in the tile business.The VOICE of the TILECONTRACTORThe NTCA Reference Manual was developed to identify recurring chal-lenges to successful installations of tile and stone, recognize potential problems, and to gain consensus from industry experts on offering solutions. Now available for purchase in print or digital download. www.tile-assn.comNational Tile Contractors Association626 Lakeland East Drive|Jackson, MS 39232PO Box 13629|Jackson, MS 39236-3629601.939.2071|601.932.6117 fax|tile-assn.com68 TileLetter | October 2019'