b'PRODUCT BRIEFSItagres offers fast-track productWrangler Sport, will be awarded in development programThis pro- January of 2020 to one lucky win-gressiveBrazilianner at an off-site event in Las Vegas m a n u f a c t u r e rduring TISE to conclude the Work ofporcelaintileHard. Play Hard. sweepstakes. hasdevelopeda highlyspecial- PRODUCT BRIEFS izedprogramto reduce the time to introduce newFordetailsontheseandother products into the marketplace forproducts, visit tileletter.comitsU.S.andCanadiancustomers. The South Florida location, head- Artistic TileEcho glass mosaic ed by Daniel Frasson, Director ofisformedfromthinstripsofJazz Operations for Itagres in the U.S.,Glass encircling the center of each will expand to accommodate newdiamondingradientsofcolor. digitalequipmentthatwillexpe- Availableingrey/whiteLondon dite order fulfi llment and eliminateFog(shown)andpurple/white costsanddelaysassociatedwithViolin Violet.overseas shipping. WinaJeepinLATICRETE SPECTRALOCKsweepstakes LATICRETEhaslaunchedaprize promotion for its U.S. and Canadian customers(excludingQuebec)to celebratetheperformanceofits SPECTRALOCK product line. Now through the end of December, veri- ed tile and stone installation con-fitractors may enter to win monthly prizedrawings,includingkayak, tailgatingandcampingpackages.Schluter SystemsKERDI-DRAIN Thegrandprize,a2019Jeeppoint drains now sport metallic fi n-ishesinrosegold,vintagegold, classicgoldandnickel.Choose fromPure,Curve,Floralandthe original grate design (shown). 104 TileLetter | October 2019'