b'WOMEN IN TILE 2019Tile projects from Huffsticklers Tile Girl days.outwhentheresagapintheirsales, accounting, truck driver and knowledge base.management in numerous areas.Her advice for women consider- Partofhereducationhasbeen ingatilecareer?Dontgetdis- herinvolvementinindustryasso-tracted by people who try to makeciations. I surrounded myself with yourgenderintoabigdeal,shepeople who know more than me, said. Be about the work. Do yourshesaid.Ilisten,learn,andlet homework, learn your lessons, takethem mentor me. yourlumpsandstayhumble.JustWhilesheacknowledgedthat keepshowingupanddoingyourflooringandtilehavebeena honest best at whatever role youremale-dominated field, in reality we inand if things get tough, reachwomen are the consumers you are outtosomeonewhosbeentheresellingto.So,speakingthesame before you and ask for help; werelanguage and being a woman is a out here. plus. I know what influences us, I see and pay attention to surround-Heidi Cronin ings, I ask questions. I dont sugar CTEF Industry Liaison andcoat anything. I am blunt and to the Promotions Director point.HeidiCroninenteredthetile industry 26 years ago, working from thegroundupinthefamilybusi-ness of distributing tile and setting material. Shes also installed tile but said, Did I do it well? NO! I started making ceramic tile sample boards after crashing the car when I was 15 to pay off the debt. I have worked every aspect of a company: custom- Cronin takes the wheel at the Cronin er service, warehouse, purchasing,Company.46TileLetter | October 2019'