b'BUSINESS TIP afewclients,forexample,thatIf theres one thing Ive learned generate big revenues because theyfromrunningasmallbusiness, sell large machines or property butits that you cant apply a simple each has fewer than 10 employees.revenueformulatodetermineif Theyresmall,butnotintheeyesa business is indeed small. Other of the SBA. I would prefer the rulefactorsshouldbeconsidered. toincludeotherfactors,suchasSure,itmighttakealittlemore the number of people (and perhapstime or add more complexity. But contractors)employed,toreallywere talking about the difference determine the size of a business. between a qualifi ed company get-Im also concerned that a grow- ting the help and opportunities it ing small company might fi nd itselfdeserves from the government, or excludedfromfederalworkasapotentially failing.resultofacoupleofgoodyears.Or that larger companies that haveThisarticleoriginallyappeared had a bad year or two might fi ndon July 2, 2019 in The Guardian at themselves classifi ed in the smallhttps://bit.ly/2Lwsktf.Apastcol-business category, at the expenseumnist for The New York Times and ofsmallbusinessesalreadythereThe WashingtonPost,Marksnow and competing for work. writesregularlyforTheHill,The PhiladelphiaInquirer,Forbes,Inc. e-Learning Program Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine and Fox Business.A-8827-08192019 LATICRETE International, Inc. All trademarks shown are the intellectual properties of their respective owners.Industry and product informationin short, easy segments Markshaswrittenfi vebooks Train from the comfort of youronbusinessmanagement,spe-home or ofce anytime cifi callygearedtowardssmall- Fast and easy to access,andmedium-sizedcompanies. listen to, and complete Nationally,Marksappearsregu-larly on MSNBC and Fox News as wellas TheJohnBatchelorShow andSiriusXMsWhartonBusiness Channel where he talks about the fi nancial,economicandtechnol-ogy issues that affect business lead-erstoday.Marksownsandoper-ates the Marks Group PC, a highly Register today at successful ten-person fi rm that pro-laticrete.com/university videstechnologyandconsulting services to small and medium sized businesses. www.genemarks.com30 TileLetter | October 2019'