b'Arts & Design division in the 1980s.Fouroftheartistsselectedfor This division oversees the selectionthe Sea Beach Line projectsSally ofartistsandinstallationsthatareGil,KarenMargolis,EamonOre-permanentlyinstalledthroughoutGironandEmilioPerezselected the MTA system, creating a fi rst-rateMosaicosVenecianosDeMxico, museum fi with more than 300amemberofTCNAMexico,tolled works by world famous, mid-careertranslatetheirdesignsintosmalti and emerging artists, and connect- (enamelglassmosaics). Thepieces ingcommuterswithpeople,siteswerefabricatedwithLATICRETEand surrounding neighborhoods. products and shipped to New York As part of major renovations to ninefor their installation along the plat-stations along the Sea Beach Line (N)forms at MTA New York City Transit in Brooklyn, artists were selected toAuthoritys86thStreet,AvenueU, create permanent artwork for inclu- 18th Avenue and Bay Parkway sta-sion in the station renovations. Thetions.ninestationsunderconstructionGiventhearchitecturalrequire-wereoriginallyopenedin1915,mentsofthesestations,wepre-and the now-completed capital con- mountedandgroutedthedesigns struction included improvements toon aluminum panels using products each stations platforms, overpasses,from LATICRETE, a prestigious brand stairways, canopies and columns, inleader in installation systems that we addition to permanent artwork. knew were tested and guaranteed for For the 86th Street station, artist Karen Margolis created Cerebration, a glass mosaic artwork that connects people and place by transcribing destinations of the surrounding area into the mosaic work.TileLetter | October 2019 33'