b"PRESIDENT'S LETTER (continued) with products that do not meet theproducts on a job is difficult in com- sacrificing the quality of the project projects needs.petitivelybidprojectswherecom- andinstallation.ThisistrueValue What to do? Build relationships withpetitorsmaynotshareyourvisionEngineering!industrypartnerswhounderstandand whose low presumably qualified your vision and have a proven interestbid sets the price in the marketplace. in working with quality contractors.We just continue to refine our target Ihadtheopportunitytospendclient list by client type and project afewhourstodaywithaqualitytype.Weaggressivelypursueproj-manufacturer whose company I con- ects we feel showcase our strengths,Chris Walkersidermastermarketers.Wetalkedfocusing on that has reduced stressNTCA Presidentaboutourshareddesiretobuildandallowedustobemorecom- Vice President, David Allen Companyvalue into projects rather than Valuepetitive on target projects. These areChairman, ANSI A-108Engineeringthebestproductsoutprojects we feel will provide us withChairman, US TAG ISO TC-189withmaterialsthatunderperforman opportunity to perform and man- Board of Directors ABC-VAorpresentrisktotheinstallation.age well. In those situations, our trueVoting Member TCNA HandbookUltimately, the odds are that cut cor- value is shown as we build trust withVoting Member NTCA Reference nerstodayturnintopunchlistandour client and provide opportunitiesManualfailures tomorrow. Keeping premiumto find economical solutions withoutchriswalker@davidallen.comWHERE GROWING YOUR BUSINESSIS OUR PURPOSE.Joe Lundgren is a globally recognized product and marketing expert in the ceramic and stone worldwide markets. His specialty is Business Development, Product Management, and Marketing.Joe has developed his expertise in strategic planning, new product development, and marketing strategy for North America during his 27 year career at Dal-Tile, a subsidiary of Mohawk Industries.Joe has extensive experience in multiple sales channels including distribution and Home Centers.Additionally, Joe represents the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) for its testing laboratories, which has Joe at the epicenter of the industry for all new initiatives.Please contact Joe Lundgren for a free consultation proposal!+1.214.641.7773JOSEPHLUNDGRENCONSULTING.COMJLC_1.2_Horizontal_Ad_2017.indd 1 4/28/17 3:24 PM62020|TRENDS"