b'FEATURE STORY (continued) constructi onwouldnotbedelayed, as many moving parts were happen-ing at once. It was vital to work with apartnerlikeLATICRETEthatcould ship large quanti ti es of materials from theirplantinFloridatothejobsite promptly.Scale: While LATICRETE has more than sixdecadesofexperience,aproject of this scale is sti ll always a daunti ng task. The constructi on team required easy-to-useproductsthatcontribute to a speedy delivery while promising long-lasti ng results.Soundrequirements:Atahigh-end resort and spa, serenity is the expec-tati onasguestsfromalloverthe worldpaytop-dollartoexperience thequiet,relaxingenvironment.To accomplishthis,soundcontainment was one of the top prioriti es for the constructi on team as the hotel fl oors wereconstructedalmostenti relyof ti le, typically a non-sound absorpti ve fl ooring opti on.It was vital to work with a partner like LATICRETE that could ship large quanti ti es of materi-als from their plant in Florida to the jobsite promptly.The water feature spans 600 feet (182 meters) in circumference and 50 feet (15 meters) high. 222020|TRENDS'