b"PRESIDENT'S LETTERIs it really Value Engineering?A TREND we can do withoutChris WalkerIn the commercial market, we relyavailability for inclusion in your proj- intentwithoutmuchconcernfor on highly competent professional dis- ect. That is a powerful opportunity.quality. There are clients who expect tributors and suppliers to coordinateIt can allow you to take advantage ofthis. When asked, assisti ng the GC/the logisti cs of importi ng and expedit- the full value of the experti se off eredowner should be an opportunity to ing products from all over the world.by each of the elements described ineducate. Because of your experti se, Thesuppliersprovidehighqual- the fi rst paragraph.youcanidenti fyefficiencieswith ity,custom-manufactured,expertly- Italsoallowsyouentrytotheproductsequalinperformance, engineered ti le materials selected byIknowaguymarket.Thatguyoff ered at a more competi ti ve price. professional designers for their size,isexpertatfi ndingthecheapestAllow the decision maker the oppor-textureandcolor.Thoseproductslook-alikeproductavailable.Donttunitytoevaluaterisks/rewardsfor are shipped to coordinate with evolv- cheat yourself out of quality porce- products that sati sfy project require-ingconstructi onschedulesments. This is quite diff erent painstakinglydevelopedbythan a rushing to the bargain studiedengineersrespon-basementti lecloseoutbinValue Engineering (VE) sible for constructi ng beau- and Basis of Design haveto eliminate quality products ti fulbuildingsconceivedbybecome euphemisms foron every project. Contractors worldrenownedarchitec- whoaskyoutoprovide tural fi rms, built by interna- alternate ways to get to aslash-and-burn alternates for ti onallyrecognizedgeneraldesired intent without muchevery project are unlikely to contractors for Fortune 1000belookingforanythingbut clients.alternati veis:Weconcern for quality.the low price. IS that where Theyou want to compete? Those just Value Engineer every- projects are acti vely eliminat-thing I know a guy who caning quality products and like-get us ti le on the cheap. These arelain/ceramic ti le projects and futurely are also eliminati ng quality compe-two very diff erent perspecti ves to getopportuniti eswithIknowaguy.ti ti on. We cant off er, in good faith, a to the same basic fi nish line.Thoseproducts/projectshaveafol- proposal we know is providing less Thingshavechangedsincethelowing and a place in the market, butthan is required by the specifi cati on. world shrank to the size of the smartnot every project.Wesimplydontcompeteatthat phone in the palm of your hand. ThatValue Engineering (VE) and Basislevel.Weseeowners/buildersfre-deviceprovidesinstantaccesstoof Design have become euphemismsquently misled into VE compromises enti re libraries of materials and theirfor alternate ways to get to a desiredthattheytrulydonotunderstand 42020|TRENDS"