b'STYLE TRENDS (continued) ture high-tech features (25% versushomeowners,homedesignenthusi-30%in2019),withwirelesscon- astsandhomeimprovementprofes-trols leading the pack.sionals across the country and around Hiringofprofessionalhelphastheworld.Withthelargestresiden-remained steady over the past sev- ti design database in the world andal eral years, with more than four in fi veavibrantcommunityempoweredby homeowners hiring professional helptechnology, Houzz is the easiest way for fortheirkitchenrenovati ons(85%).people to fi inspirati on, get advice, encourages us to look beyond the nd obvioustoexpandourthinking;General contractors top the list (51%),buy products and hire the profession-challenging us to think more deep- followed by kitchen designers (22%),als they need to help turn their ideas ly,increaseourperspecti veandinteriordesigners(13%),architectsinto reality. For more informati on, visit open the fl ow of communicati on. (11%) and kitchen remodelers (10%). houzz.com.Astechnologyconti nuestoDownload the full 2020 U.S. Houzz raceaheadofthehumanabil- Kitchen Trends Study at htt p://bit.ly/itytoprocessitall,itiseasytohouzzkitchenstudy. understandwhywegravitateto*TheU.S.KitchenTrendsStudy colorsthatarehonestandoff eris an online survey that fi elded 2,598 thepromiseofprotecti on.Non- U.S. Houzz users between June and aggressive and easily relatable, theJuly 2019. .trusted PANTONE 19-4052 Classic**A major kitchen remodel refers Blue lends itself to relaxed interac- to a remodel in which at least all the ti on. Associated with the return ofcabinets and appliances are replaced.another day, this universal favorite is comfortably embraced. Houzzistheleadingplatf ormfor Forover20years,Pantoneshomeremodelinganddesign,provid-ColoroftheYearhasinfl uenceding people with everything they need productdevelopmentandpur- to improve their homes from start to chasingdecisionsinmultiplefiindustries, including fashion, home nishonline or from a mobile device. furnishings, and industrial design,From decorati ng a small room to build-as well as product packaging anding a custom home and everything in graphic design. The Pantone Colorbetween,HouzzconnectsmillionsofMargaret Wright Photography2018 HouzzoftheYearselecti onprocess requiresthoughtf ulconsiderati on and trend analysis that culls new color infl uences from around the world,gleaninginspirati onfrom theentertainmentindustryand fi lmsinproducti on,travelingart collecti onsandnewarti sts,fash-ion,allareasofdesign,popular travel desti nati ons, as well as new lifestyles,playstyles,andsocio-economicconditi ons.Infl uences mayalsostemfromnewtech-nologies, materials, textures, and eff ects that impact color, relevant socialmediaplatf ormsandeven upcomingsporti ngeventsthat capture worldwide att enti on.Lauren Andersen2019 Houzz162020|TRENDS'