b'SALES PULSE (continued) The impact of LVT short-term solution to tile. and consumers need to understand ThetileindustryisfeelingtheOn the West Coast, LVT isnt havingthatalthoughtheproductitselfis impact of luxury vinyl tile (LVT) devel- a tremendous impact, said Westsideswaterproof that does not mean the opmentbutjusthowmuchisitWeiner. For some of Westsides LVT- installation is waterproof.really influencing sales? leaning customers, the distributor isTheres reason to continue to have Inmuchofthecountry,LVTISable to show them the true benefitsconfidence in ceramic and porcelain affecting sales, with Cilona saying theof tile versus that product. tile.Wecontinuetodrivehome wood plank business is experiencingThe lack of durability is an issue,the message of quality and longev-the most negative effect. But distrib- he added. Most of the areas thatity and applications that LVT cannot utors are getting creative on fightinghave installed LVT after awhile haveperform in, Cilona said. As we see this competition.lotsofscratches,andtremendousthisrushofcommercialbusiness Arleys Levy said, We are promot- wear,franklyleadingtohavingtobeingdriventolowercostprod-ing the Why Tile campaign and work- be replaced much faster than if tileucts like LVT, I believe that in a few ing with our customers to show whywasinstalled.Themostimportantyears, the failure of those products tileisabetterandlong-termmoreaspect is for us to educate our cli- to stand up to the demands of the economical option than LVT. entsonwhatisneededfortheirapplications will drive those custom-D&BsYarboroughadmittedthatapplicationandnotnecessarilyaers back to ceramic tile. I think that LVTisencroachingoncommercialprice factor.productslikeLVTdohaveavalue andresidentialsales,sayingItisMaraHeras,VicePresidentofandpositioninthemarket,butI here tostay untilcustomersunder- MarketingforEmser,chimedin,believe that in an effort to grow in standthelimitationsofit.Itisaadding that LVT has created confu- an environment of cost savings, they cheap flooring solution like carpetasion around waterproof. End usershave been oversold. 362020|TRENDS'