b'COVERINGS INDUSTRY AMBASSADORTrend insights, networking and education await you at Coverings in New OrleansBy Alena Capra, CMKBDWelcome to Coverings 2020! Im looking forward to anYou can learn more and register at www.coverings.com.exciti ng few days in New Orleans! Its one of my favoriteTheres so much to see, and I hope to see you on the citi es to visit, and I hope you get a chance to enjoy all itshow fl oor! Enjoy the show!has to off er, including some great architecture, culture, andfood(BeignetsandagoodbowlofgumboareaAlenamust!).Getreadytoseeoverninemilesofti le, showcasingsomeofthelatesttrendsinthe industry. This year, you can expect to see: Mixed geometric shapesRetro looks in bright patt erns and colorsConcrete looks with an industrial vibeLots of large-scale patt ernsPrecious/gemstone looksMore gauged porcelainAmixedcolorpalett eofterracott a,sage green,classicblue,dustyorangeandeven blush pink. In additi on to the ti le and countless educa-ti onopportuniti esoff eredattheshow,this yearmarksthereturnofsomeshowfavor- Photo courtesy of Bruce Starrenburgites, like the Installati on & Design Experience, andInstallati onDemonstrati onStage,along withsomegreatnewfeatures.TheBrand& BusinessBuildingZonewillprovideopportu-niti es to att endees to learn how to take their brands to the next level, including a headshot stati on, great ti ps and a video stati on, to make customized 30-45-second elevator pitches for their businesses. There also will be two great awardseventshappening,whereyoucan cheer on your peers, and see some amazing design and installati ons with ti le, including the CID Awards, and support emerging young tal-ent in the ti le industry at the Rock Star Awards. Registrati on and educati on are complimentary.Photo courtesy of Bruce Starrenburg82020|TRENDS'