TRENDS | 2018 87 Setting Materials LATICRETE Booth #7213 he I R Hydro an pre formed shower system includes an e pansi e line o pre sloped and lin ear sho er pans, niches, seats and enches made ith a hi h density polystyrene core. inear and s are drains are a aila le in m l ple stan dard and c stom si es and finishes, incl din a le in op on to match almost any desi n, and prod cts that help e ec te the pris ne lines o in demand arrier ree sho ers. I R sho er systems pro ide accessories to o er c stomers e erythin needed or a a less sho er installa on, ac ed y one o the ind stry s est arran es. .la Merkrete Booth #8107 er rete s Hydro ard 1 is a thin, load earin mem rane com posed o a modi fied elastomeric copolymer. ith e cellent elon ation proper ties and hi h stren th, it pro ides a 100 a t e r p r o o mem rane coatin hile limitin the transfer of substrate cracks to the inished o erlay. For se in commercial and residential areas re irin positi e aterproo in . .mer NAC Products Booth #7509 S per S 125 is one o the most e ecti e all in one so nd mem ranes on the mar et. It ea t res o tstandin II and S la certified numbers over concrete and ood. S per S 125 con tains no O s, pro ides crac iso lation protection p to 3 8 , and nctions as a aterproo mem rane hen oints and seams are properly sealed. he company is cele ratin its 35th anniversa ry o mem rane s ccess in 2018. .nacprod Noble Company Booth #7903 o le o ers its patent pendin Pro ase II, a Sin le Slope Sho er ase it the company claims is the most impact resistant ase a ail a le. esi ned or linear drains and lar e ormat le and ideal or ar rier ree applica ons, the Pro ase II its incl de the ase, al eSeal sheet mem rane, FreeStyle inear Drain™ and accessories need ed to convert an old tub into a stylish, contemporary sho er. .no Profilitec Booth #7910 he Profilitec S h o e r t e c shower system is a complete and advanced sealed shower system with hi h density foam tray and curb elements that have a pre attached aterproo in mem rane that con orms to the ind stry s apor permeancestandard. Progress Profiles Booth #2309 Pro oil Panel, a hi h density sho er panel, has a Pro oil p re l e d aterproo in mem rane. he panels are 3 5 and are available in the follow in thic nesses 1 4 , Bathroom Waterproofing/Sound Control System Super SAM® 125 Sheet Membrane/SubSeal® Liquid Membrane A: NAC Primer B: Super SAM® 125 Membrane C: Seam Tape D: Fabric Corners E: Caulk/Polyurethane Sealant F: SubSeal® on Wall G: SubSeal G: SubSeal® Over Butt Joints B C D D E F G