86 2018 | TRENDS Setting Materials commercial, residen al and ind stri al applica ons. 25 itani m is silica sand ree to lly comply ith OSH s ne or place standards that limit the amo nt o respira le crystal line silica d st on the o site. his contri tes to the prod ct s easy to spread creamy consistency and ease o tro elin . .la crete.com MAPEI Booth #7819 Planitop 330 Fast is a ic settin , polymer modi ied, i er rein orced cementitio s renderin , patchin and le elin mortar. It can e applied rom 1 8 to 1 1 4 3 mm to 3,2 cm in thic ness in a sin le coat. Planitop 330 Fast need only e mi ed ith ater to e sed or ramp in , smoothin and le elin clean, interior and e terior concrete and screed loor s strates to prepare them or installin ceramic, stone or aterproo in systems. he non sa in mortar onds directly to the s strate it s ready or tile installation in as little as 0 min tes. he res ltin lat inish is an e cellent s strate or the installa tion o thin tile and a ed porce lain tile panels. Planitop 330 Fast has een eri ied Red ist Free per the most c rrent Red ist on the i in ildin hallen e e site. .mapei. s. Merkrete Booth #8107 er rete s 10 S SS Premi m Set Pl s, eat res ne , inno a e and patented S SS echnolo y rom Pare S . It is a premi m rade thinset or install in porcelain, ceramic le and natural stone to alls or oors in either commercial or residen al appli ca ons. Its inno a e S SS echnolo y prod ces appro imately 80 less d st than ordinary thinsets and is desi ned to promote cleaner or in condi ons. .mer rete.com TEC/H.B. Fuller Booth #7401 H. . F ller onstr c on Prod cts ltimate 6 Pl s Polymer odiļ¬ed ortar is speci ically desi ned or installin e cep tionally lar e, t h i n a e d porcelain tile p a n e l s s l a s and lar e hea y les H on alls and oors. l mate 6 Pl s ortar has a ni e set o eat res that allo s ro n in 6 ho rs e en hen installed o er imper io s s strates s ch as nco plin mem ranes. asy to se, it has an e tended pot li e o t o to three ho rs and open me o 50 60 min tes, allo in installers me to et ll co era e and ma e ad stments. l mate 6 Pl s ortar also or s ell on tradi onal le or oth oor and all applications, and e ceeds SI 118.4 and 118.11. .tecspecialty.com. hower yste roducts Designer Drains esi ner rains pro ides one o the easiest home decor p rades a aila le on the mar et. ith o er 40 desi ns to chose rom, all made of stainless steel and a lifetime arranty, they are nctional piec es o art and personal e pression. .desi nerdrains.com Johns Manville Booth #8347 o oard is the inno ati e tile ac er oard y ohns an ille that is ltra li ht ei ht, aterproo , d ra le, easy to c t and install. Sho er installations are ast eca se aterproo in is ilt in, hich eliminates e tra steps since only oard oints and fastener locations need to be sealed. o oard is also p to 80 li hter than traditional oards. n ineered and tested or stren th and d ra ility, yet can e c t ri ht here it s installed sin a tility ni e. . .com o oard