54 2018 | TRENDS STONE TRENDS (continued) ddi onally, nat ral stone is e in nin to e sed more re ently in o tdoor spaces, par c larly to cre ate a cohesi e loo thro ho t the en re desi n. From lar e ormat si es ein sed as a co ntertop s r ace thro ho t a space to small mosaic details as ac splash in an o tdoor itchen, stone is e innin to appear in ne , ne pected spaces, a trend that is posi oned to ro o er the ne t fi e years. ar cry rom the stone o yester year, the nat ral stone cate ory has completely trans ormed. oosted y the ni eness o the prod cts, the a ility o stone to com ine nc on and ea ty has it posi oned or con n ed ro th. ith hat seems li e infinite applica on pos si ili es and color op ons, these natural stone trends are here to stay or the oreseea le t re. High Quality Metal Trims and Pre-Molded Expansion Joints for all of Your Flooring Needs Carpet/Vinyl Trim Reducers Reverse Trim Ceramic Tool Call or click today! 800.236.5230 www.ceramictool.com Designers and manufacturers of superior quality anodized aluminum flooring transitions & custom stainless steel products MADE IN USA ns ired by natural land ar s, ar sville tone by altile rovides a ull line u o roducts in natural arble, li estone, and travertine in classic tile si es including and a osaic