58 2018 | TRENDS hro ho t desi n and constr c on, the architect relies on material s ppliers, standard ri n odies, and la or or ani a ons to ens re a s ccess l le pro ect. Quality assurance through construction documents rchitects can esta lish ality ass rance e pecta ons at the e innin o a pro ect ith an in ormed approached to the prepara on o constr c on doc ments, specifically, dra in s and specifica ons. ra in s are uantitative. hey sho the dimensions o rooms to e led, and o en incl de sched les that assi n certain le to certain rooms or spaces. ra in s sho ld also address special condi ons that re ire raph ic clarifica on, li e transi ons and termina ons o le finishes. Specifica ons are ualitative. hey define the type o le to e sed on a pro ect thro h proprietary in orma on, physical proper es, or per ormance characteris cs. ra in s and specifica ons sho ld e ec ely com m nicate desi n intent to the installin contractor and define the ality o the or . ith today s ast paced prod c on sched les, it is not al ays easi le or architects to dra ele a ons o e ery room that recei es le, or to detail e ery special condi on o the le or . Instead, architects o en rely on eneral notes, sched les, and re erenced standards in the constr c on doc ments. sed responsi ly and ith ca on, re erences can e an e ec e ay to ens re ind stry re irements are met. hat said, many architects se re erences too li er ally or too enerally in an e ort to sa e me. Re erences sho ld e limited to act al condi ons on the pro ect and e ed directly to the respec e condi ons sin notes or sched les on the dra in s. A&D FOCUS The role of the architect as communicator and collaborator on ceramic tile installations t alicer 18, orld on ress on eramic ile ality in astell n, Spain in Fe r ary, Interna onal asonry Ins t te I I Illinois irector Sco on ell tal ed a o t the architect s role in in encin ality thro h all sta es o pro ect deli ery d rin a panel disc ssion ith Spanish architects le andro R ert and n el Pritarch. Read on ell s ll paper on the topic, he Role o the rchitect as omm nicator and olla orator on eramic ile Installa ons, o nd at h ps it.ly 2 , or en oy hi hli hts rom his presenta on elo . co onwell, llinois irector t ualicer , orld ongress on era ic ile uality in astell n, ain, llinois irector co onwell tal ed about the architect s role in in uencing uality through all stages o ro ect delivery during a anel discussion with anish architects le andro ubert and ngel ritarch