66 2018 | TRENDS INTERNATIONAL TRENDS FROM ITALY (continued) oriental carpets, Indian temporary rit al ta oos and the olam tradi on o ephemeral rice oor deco ra ons. ean hile, aFaen a as inspired y a speciļ¬c ca e in Slo enia to create the Radi a collec on, and Imola s oala is a doppel an er or e calypt s ood, typically na e to stralia. han s to ad ancements in di ital prin n , these rare materi als and handcra ed techni es are a aila le in hard s r acin to all. New typologies his trend mi es di erent materials or handpic s certain characteris cs to orm a hole ne typolo y. he sion o material loo s and themes res lt in a s rreal, ima ina e inter preta on o le and a poten al ne lan a e or interior desi n. For e tone, ea eramiche com ined stones rom o r di erent arries hile Sicis ne itera on o etrite in ses mar le desi ns ith metallic eins to create ni e materials that can t e o nd in nat re. Nostalgia People o en loo to desi n or an escape, and in this c rrent poli cal climate it s ns rprisin that compa nies are t rnin to the past to rin people a e phoric oost. For their third comic inspired collec on, el onca recreates the eminist orld o ido repa on ceramic le ith his 1 60s comic strip heroine, alen na. ean hile, other compa nies ere inspired y simpler mes, sin s are ormats, candy colors and retro pa erns reminiscent o the 1 50s li e Happy ays y e i and on e desi ned y arcante esta or eramica o e. Painterly stron in ence in desi n ri ht no is o in so ness and roman cism ith entle c r es, ashes o color and the unmistakable touch of an ar st s hand. ile is no e cep on, eat rin hand painted pa erns, s etches and ill stra ons, mar led e ects and atercolor desi ns. Stando t collec ons incl de Pad y Patric or et or ea eramiche, hose irre lar lines and deli cate shades create a so , sens al e ect and orrisponden a y imore St dio or eramica ardelli, hose hand painted decors create a polychroma c aleidoscope o so tones. Pastels o in eyond the cele rity o illenial Pin , shades o l sh, la ender, sea reen and pale yello can e o nd in do ens o oor and all les. ess sat rated than primary colors, pastels create a li ht, so and calmin e ect, hich do etails ith a few other trends from this year from Painterly to ostal ia. Terrazzo twist lready a pop lar trend in interior desi n and ashion, terra o started poppin p in the le ind stry last year and has ro n to ecome a hown - cloc wise a aen a adi a, ola oala, ara i rand ar et ictured - cloc wise icis etrite, ea era iche e tone, oraitaliana ar o hown are - cloc wise el onca alentina, etracer s wing, era ica ogue on e ictured - cloc wise ide tyle, rna enta ani esto, erco o e ictured - cloc wise arca orona hal , a olorline, onino a borghini urburgring