50 2018 | TRENDS In a orld here trends can come and o in the lin o an eye, nat ral stone ithstands the test o me. ro nd the orld, ea er desi ners con n e to t rn to nat ral stone, ma in it a top sellin sol on or co ntertops, oors and alls. s ne o erin s hit the mar et in a ariety o shapes, si es, colors and te t res, nat ral stone con n es to o er a meless loo or spaces. he pop larity o nat ral stone can e a ri ted to its innate ni eness, as each c t is nli e any other. ith no t o pieces ali e, nat ral stone inherently rin s indi id ality to spaces. at ral stone also o ers c stomers the e i ility o c stomi a on eca se o its a ility to e c t into di erent shapes and si es. Warming palettes favor grey, white, black and “greige” One o the most appealin ali es o nat ral stone is the ariety o op ons, allo in stone to pro ide a sol on re ardless o the desi n ision. From a color perspec e, the ind stry has shi ed to ard rey, hite and lac , colors o en o nd in limestone and mar le. Timeless natural stone By Roy Viana, Director of Natural Stone and Slab, Dal-Tile Corporation (A Mohawk Industries Company) STONE TRENDS oy iana, irector o atural tone and lab erican lean s scend arble and li estone collection offers beau- ti ul shades o greige