TRENDS | 2018 47 Tile plaster sed into a porcelain rep resenta on o r an sophis ca on. . orida Interceramic inta e meets modern in Interceramic s mma, a la ed ceram ic all le echoin the handmade all le o years past. mma o ers an nd la n te t re ith ele ant loss finish, or a sophis cated hi h desi n loo . his S made ceramic le incorporates modern accent col ors in l es and reens that can tran si on rom osmopolitan to o ntry French. Lunada Bay Booth # 8062 Ori ami Field is a collec on o lass field les that re ects the icon ic apanese art o eometric paper oldin . Feat rin nine opalescent colors and three dimensional shapes, the dis nc e lass le desi ns play ith li ht and shado . Ori ami Field comes in si shapes o ie sho n , er e, rape e, ac na, la on and m it each ith a ni e pat tern that emer es oth is ally and dimensionally. Ori ami Field is an e tensiono nada ay ile sOri ami line, which also includes mosaic les in o r pa erns and ei ht colors. . nada ay Marazzi Booth #2817 ara i s Se ni o ers a ast assortment o enca s c loo les that rin ener y to any room. Se ni s decora e desi ns ran e rom eometrical, inta e and met ropolitan pa erns that can e sed indi id ally or mi ed and matched or personali ed desi ns, pro idin a ohemian romance eel. Se en coordina n solid colors are also a aila le to complete the loo . .mara i Modomo: The Art of Italian Tile Booth #3671 Or an a con eys a contemporary a ric linen interpreta on. hree s r ace op ons a aila le nat ral, semi polished lappato, and o tdoor an s id ith o r complementary field si es, rom all to lar e or mat oors 2 2 , 4 24 , 12 24 , 24 24 , and 24 48 to accommodate any en ironment. ll si es are color ody and rec fied. .modomo