30 2018 | TRENDS SALES TRENDS What's selling around the country Sales trends for 2018 By Louis Iannaco, contributing editor hile lar er ormat les and ood loo s con n e to ro e ponen ally in the ind stry, there are other trends e innin to ta e hold, as ell. hat ollo s co ers hat s hot this sprin rom se eral ma or distri tors aro nd the co ntry accordin to the companies in the sales trenches. e es oned ri ona ile, edrosians, and mser ile to ta e the style p lse in di erent re ions o the co ntry, and ot an o er ie o styles sellin in their ranches, ith ri ona ile i in a rea do n o trends, re ion y re ion. e y ce ent tile ro edrosians in rige e is an e a le o the trend towards blue, es ecially in laces li e lorida and orth arolina