22 2018 | TRENDS FEATURE STORY (continued) lac wall tile and gray tile oors were installed by avid llen o any in various bathroo s throughout the stadiu his stadiu bathroo s orts green he agonal tile on the walls he an aron errace ays ho age to tlanta raves o e un ing, an aron le, stone and lass installa ons in fi e months, choosin I R prod cts that sa ed me ith rapid c rin or m las and easy installa on ere o the tmost importance. For aterproofin athrooms and sho ers thro ho t the player and sta loc er rooms, a id llen ompany tr sted H RO and H RO RRI R aterproofin prod cts. hese prod cts allo ed or a aster me to le and oot tra c in as li le as o r ho rs. For se nder tradi onal thic ed installa ons o le, 20 Floor d, a actory prepared lend o hi h stren th portland cement and care lly raded sand, as chosen d e to its pre mi ed pac a in . his sa ed the team al a le me not ha in to lend portland cement and sand on the o site. For interior and e terior oor and all installa ons o ceramic le, porcelain le and stone applied on the stadi ms ar ronts and ac splashes, 253 old, a s perior polymer or fied a ed cemen o s thin set po der, as sed.