36 2018 | TRENDS and easy to maintain oorin op on. arth tones So shades o rey and ei e create a re ena n home spa, a place that s a healin retreat. right itchen colors – White will al ays e a classic pale e or itch ens, t people ant to add a li le oomph to the hite and p t their personality into the space. hite itchens con n e as a orites, t e pect a rise in old color itchen accents, richer and warmer color ca inets, r s, accents and pa erned les on alls and ac splashes. ish scale tiles hese les create an interes n pa ern, rin in is al interest to spaces in a n ay, that s a depart re rom tradi onal s ay le, o erin an pdated loo . hey work well in the kitchen, as well as the athroom or oors and alls. lac a e oo o t or ma e lac inallpartso thehome. esi ners and homeowners want that statement loo that is e eryday com orta le, yet doesn t dominate the room. his old loo is contemporary and comple ments a variety of materials and styles on co ntertops, oors, alls or ac splashes. a e lac is also appearin in kitchen and bathroom faucets and sho erhead and also li h n fi t res. lac and white Simple and tradi onal, classic lac adds a ocal point o color that ro nds, anchors, and adds a sophis cated loo to a room. hite acts as a stri in contrast that alances the old, addin a spar o li ht. Emser Tile ccordin to ar ara Haa sma, ice president o mar e n or mser – which has showrooms located coast to coast thro ho t the .S. in addi on to lar e ormat les or oors and alls rom 24 48 p to 63 126 and lar er, a ed porce lain panels are hea n p the mar et and ill con n e to do so thro ho t 2018. a ed porcelain panels are crea n ne er e ore seen aesthet ics or all, fireplace a ade, sho er and e terior claddin applica ons. In addi on to panels, these other trends are pre alent or 2018 • ccent alls ith color, dimension ality, te t re and pa ern are ein achie ed thro h lar e ormat ceramic all le in 18 36 and lar er si es. SALES TRENDS (continued) ood loo s, li e ahoe orcelain in lacier, continue to be a leading trend in tile n the wall, ailor rt orcelain and ina herringbone osaic, both in ight, and ailor rt orcelain, artan eco in ight i on the oor highlight earth tones his bac s lash a lication o aseo rabes ue erra o a tile in ur uoise is designed to unch u itchen color sche es osta llegra ave osaic in ide offers a different loo in subway tile, and is o ular in orth arolina and lorida trands orcelain tile in lac eatures a a e loo nchante orcelain tile in oderno offers a traditional, classic loo