64 2018 | TRENDS INTERNATIONAL TRENDS FROM ITALY Botanical he otanical trend re ects a oc s on health, ellness and incorporat in the nat ral orld into interiors, which research has shown to contrib te to h man health and prod c ity. lso contri n to this trend is tropical modernism, hich rin s in ences o palm, cac and other ora inspired pa erns to interiors. Deconstructed ile companies are constantly see in ne ays to add mo ement and ol me to the at s r ace, hether y te t re, pa ern, or trompe l oeil e ect. econstr cted accomplish es this thro h the rea do n and reconstr c on o shapes that tran scendthetradi onalrec linear ormat o a le. any o these collec ons are created y desi ners no n or their eclec c approach li e St diopepe and Paola a one and ran e rom aleido scopic pa erns and oa n eomet ric shapes to ra ments o seemin ly ro en le. Earth tones ra in their main inspira on rom nat ral elements, a ide ran e o Italian les all into this theme. olor pale es ran e rom dirt, clay and sand inspired ro ns orest, moss and rass li e reens red and olden tones reminiscent o the s n and shades of blue to evoke an oce anic eel. his trend has ecome pop lar par ally d e to a re i al o 1 0s style alon ith a reater oc s on other at re and its a ility to cre ate a sense o nat ral serenity. Globalism his year s introd c ons re ect m l c lt ralin ences.For ara i s rand arpet collec on, ntonio i erio and Patricia iel t rned to the orient to create lar e ceramic sla s enhanced ith the tac lity o Trends in tile from Ceramics of Italy ach all, man act rers roll o t their ne loo s or the comin year at RS I , the massi e le and ceramic sani tary are sho in olo na, Italy. RS I 201 re ealed a n m er o ne pa erns, styles and trends, nota ly rin in in some so er loo s li e otanical, ostal ia, Painterly and Pastels this year ith loo s to so en o r interiors and soothe o r so ls. Strai ht rom Italy, stroll thro h these 2018 trends that ill in ence and re ect desi n thro ho t the comin year. hown are to , cloc wise osaico otanical ale, era ica rancesco de aio erde erticale, erasarda bitare a erra hown are - cloc wise ioranese occi, rna enta eta isico, and ecoratori assanesi onbon hown are - cloc wise era ica ant gostino atchwor , ondovalle es rt, and lavi er o y