12 2018 | TRENDS COLOR TRENDS n esday, ay 8 rom 8 30 30 a.m. eatrice iseman, the ec e irector or olor In orma on and rainin and the ec e irector o the Pantone Ins t te, ill tal a o t Foc sin on the F t re n In epth oo at the eadin olor and esi n rends in room 312 at o erin s. iseman, a color specialist ho has een called the interna onal color r , ill se he P O I home interiors 201 ann al trend orecas n tool as a asis o her tal . his tool is de el oped speci ically or the home r nishin s and inte riors market by the Pantone olor Instit te. ontainin is al inspira on, ey color direc on and s ested harmonies, the theme or its 201 orecast is FOCUS and sho cases 2 colors dis lled into ei ht pale es that yo ll see in interiors a year ahead. his year, Pantone is hi hli h n t o pale es n esday, ay 8 rom 8 30 30 a.m. eatrice iseman, the ec e irector or olor In orma on and rainin and the O Focusing on the Future: An in-depth look at the leading color and design trends Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director Pantone Institute 12 2018 | TRENDS he ale e o interiors and ho e urnishings is one o the eight ale es that color s ecialist eatrice ise an will discuss during her uesday orning resentation at overings he ale e is based on the delight o discovery that grows unconventional airings in ter s o style and color ues in the ravings ale e tantali e the eye with s icy reds, sweet a ingo orange and rich ur les