b'TECHNICAL thats the system-type being used)was to be sure the owner and any upside down so that the mat mate- othertradesontheprojectknow rialcanprotectthecablesfromwhereheatingcableisinstalled damage by trowels or other tools,(photos are helpful) to avoid dam-sherecommended.Anotherwayage during subsequent work.is to avoid using metal trowels orDomenico Borelli, Vice President floatstoapplythethinsetontopandCEOofProgressProfiles oftheheatingsystem,astheseAmerica echoed other suggestions, can occasionally damage the flooraddingthatitscrucialthatthe heating cables. subfloor is suitable for tile instal-lation and electrical radiant heat. Plan ahead Onemaythinkthatgoeswithout SeanGerolimatos,Directorofsaying, but establishing a suitable ResearchandDevelopmentwithsubfloorisessentialinanytile Schluter Systems, emphasized pre- installation,especiallyonethat planningbeforeyoustart.Itisuses electrical mats and cables to important to read and understand allprovidefloorwarming.Healso product/systemandcoderequire- emphasizedexact,accuratemea-ments, create a detailed plan, andsurements and ordering the proper execute it diligently, he said.amount of heating wire for the job. Gerolimatosalsosuggested, Carefullycalculatethelengthof heatingcablerequiredbasedon thefloorspace,minimumclear-ance from fixed building elements andotherobjects,andcoverage of the heating cable at the manu-facturerrecommendedspacing. Another great suggestion he offered Be sure to order the proper amount of heating wire for the job. Shown is the Prodeso Heat system by Progress Profiles.ARDEXs Utley also advised con-tractors to Plan to include a sec-ondsensorwireinyourlayout. Onlyonewillgetconnectedini-tially. The back-up sensor can then Carefully calculate the length of heatingeasily be connected to the thermo-cable required based on the floor space, minimum clearance from fixed buildingstat in the wall without disturbing elements and other objects. the flooring installation.92TileLetter | March 2020'