b"PRESIDENT'S LETTER installed. He was completely comfort- keeping the project firmly rooted in able telling you how to do your jobTiletopia. He helped you do a good correctly, and he was usually right.Ifjobbecausetogetheryouwereget-you were doing something different,ting it done. It was not always pretty he challenged you on the how and sometimes it was acrimoniousbut why. If you had a good answer andalways well-intentioned.taught him something, you receivedFortunately, there is a whole bunch his stamp of approval and he plowedof support out there to help you get theroadforyou.Hebecameyourto where you want to be. This indus-partner,onethatwasinvestedintryhassomanyamazingpeople prepared to go way outside of their jobdescriptionsorcomfortzones to help you do better: people whose goalistocontributetothesuccess ofothers,whichmakesthemmore successful. How cool is that?It is, in fact, the only reason the NTCA exists. If you need help identifying available resources,reachingouttoNTCAis a great first start. If we cant answer yourquestiondirectly,wecantell youwhomayhaveananswerfor you. Executing a successful project is alwayschallenging,butpreparation will have an impact and is the best way to control the outcome of your jobs. In other words, are you proac-tively working to reside in Tiletopia? Your home address is up to you. Chris Walker NTCA PresidentVice President, David Allen CompanyChairman, ANSI A-108Chairman, US TAG ISO TC-189Board of Directors ABC-VAVoting Member TCNA HandbookVoting Member NTCA Reference Manualchriswalker@davidallen.com22TileLetter | March 2020"