PRESIDENT’S LETTER Martin Howard Most of us are not responsible for developing the construction sched- ule for an entire project, but we all will benefit greatly from identify- ing and monitoring the activities of our scope of work. However, we’re more knowledgeable than the general contractor, owner or developer when determining the most efficient schedule, sequence and durations that will maximize our opportunity to meet or beat our estimated labor costs. Monitoring the construction schedule When bidding most commer- cial projects there is a “contract schedule” or “base line sched- ule” that should be available. If it’s not provided in the bid documents you should request a copy prior to submitting your bid. This schedule will show you the way the general contractor plans to construct the building and allows you to develop your work sequence and crew size within the overall project sched- ule for maximum efficiency and profitability. Later, during the construction process, if the general contractor changes the schedule in ways that negatively impact your efficiency, protecting your rights and work- ing to find a solution that will return pro- ductivity is paramount. Monitoring the con- struction schedule is a very important key to your opportunity to succeed on every project. Understanding and protecting your rights regarding construction schedules are among the most important aspects of Best Practices: Project scheduling and job cost/ productivity goals and feedback 16 TileLetter | August 2018