b'TECHNICAL workingwithmud.OnethingNavigating the limitations of mudto satisfy EJ 171 is we install 1/4Mud may be miraculous, but the foam around the perimeter so theknowledge of methods is crucial in mudisnotcomingincontactexecuting mortar beds. Thats why withthewoodplatesonfl oors,the TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Coxadded.MostthinkEJ171GlassandStoneTileInstallation pertains to only the tile and grout.should be studied and understood Tentingcanoccurwhenmois- beforehandforwallsandfl oor turecomesincontactwiththemethods.plates if this is not protected andAs versatile as mud work is, the honored. limitations of the mortar beds are Mud may be more affordable innot always fully understood. One the long run, as well. I always tellneedstofollowtheguidelines my builders to err deeper instead ofto create a plumb, true substrate shallower for fl or walls, Coxpreparationtoavoidanycom- oors said. An extra layer or coat of mudplicationsthatmayarisefrom is far cheaper than reframing a walltheimproperapplicationofthe or chipping concrete on a fl oor.methods.WHERE GROWING YOUR BUSINESSIS OUR PURPOSE.Joe Lundgren is a globally recognized product and marketing expert in the ceramic and stone worldwide markets. His specialty is Business Development, Product Management, and Marketing.Joe has developed his expertise in strategic planning, new product development, and marketing strategy for North America during his 27 year career at Dal-Tile, a subsidiary of Mohawk Industries.Joe has extensive experience in multiple sales channels including distribution and Home Centers.Additionally, Joe represents the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) for its testing laboratories, which has Joe at the epicenter of the industry for all new initiatives.Please contact Joe Lundgren for a free consultation proposal!+1.214.641.7773JOSEPHLUNDGRENCONSULTING.COM96 TileLetter | April 2020JLC_1.2_Horiz_Ad_1710.indd 1 9/15/17 9:24 AM'