b'ing the attack on the Fleet in Pearland was on board during the ships Harbor, Territory of Hawaii. While atfirst mission to secure the Makin and the side of his Captain on the bridge,Tarawa Atolls in the Gilbert Islands. Miller,despiteenemystrafingandOnNovember24,1943,before bombing and in the face of a seriousdawnasingletorpedostruckthe fire, assisted in moving his Captain,ship from behind. The torpedo deto-whohadbeenmortallywounded,nated inside the ship, which caused to a place of greater safety, and laterthe ammunition stored below deck mannedandoperatedamachineto explode, shearing the back half gundirectedatenemyJapaneseoftheshipoff.TheUSSLiscome attackingaircraftuntilorderedtoBaysankinjustafewminutes, leave the bridge.killing646ofthe918personnel Later, he was assigned to the new- on board; Doris Miller was among ly-constructed escort aircraft carrier,thosewhosebodieswereclaimed USSLiscomeBay(ACV/CVE-56)by the sea and never recovered.TileLetter | April 202045'