b'TECHNICAL Mortar, mortero or mud: why you need to know how to work with this ancient materialBy Martin Brookes, Heritage Marble & Tile, Inc.The use of mortar in construction has been around since around 6500 B.C., and still has a place in todays construction projects.Theabilitytofi xandshapesubstrates makes it a perfect material to fi tune andne fl atten to achieve a perfect setting surface for tile. The skill is an art form, but in todays tile craft, its importance has dimmed in light of otherquicker,morecost-effectivesystems. Martin Brookes, HeritageThese new technologies do have a place, but Marble & Tile, Inc., givingwill never take the place of a mortar bed in a talk on best practices at Coverings. some applications.84 TileLetter | April 2020'