b"PRESIDENT'S LETTER weekendtogetthesteamroomwaterproofed. We returned, water-fi xed. Tap Tap Tap - the mud-setproofedandtiledthebenchnot and waterproofi ng around the drainknowingwhatwasunderit. This lookedgreat. Tap Tap Tap-otherhadcreatedahotmoistwater-mud-setunderthetileappearedproofed chamber with cold copper bone dry. We were getting closerpipes inside. Condensation on the to the perimeter. Tap Tap FLOOD!pipe started the minute the steam Water fl ooded out from behind theroom was turned on. Water fi lled bench.Wediscoveredtheyhadthecavitytotheelevationofthe framed out a new section of benchwaterpipe,thenleakedthrough tocoverreroutedplumbingandthepenetrationscreatedwhen leftcopperpipingexposedunderframing the bench. the new bench. They did not con- Ourfailurewascausedbya sideritanissuebecausetheGCnumber of factors that could have knew the new bench was going tobeeneasilyidentifi edifwehad bewaterproofed.Hehadnailedjustopenedupthewallonthe throughtheexistingwaterproof- other side of the steam room. By ing, but thought it was not an issuethe time it was all fi gured out, we because the new bench would behad torn out so much of the steam room fl oor, we needed to demo the entirefl oorandlowerperimeter e-Learning Program tile to get it fi xed. Industry and product informationThemostvaluablelessonwe A-8925-03202020 LATICRETE International, Inc. All trademarks shown are the intellectual properties of their respective owners.in short, easy segments learned the hard way was to start Train from the comfort of yourthe investigation from the outside home or office anytime in rather than the inside out of the waterproofed condition.Fast and easy to access, listen to, and completeChris WalkerNTCA PresidentVice President, David Allen CompanyChairman, ANSI A-108Chairman, US TAG ISO TC-189Board of Directors ABC-VARegister today at Voting Member TCNA Handbooklaticrete.com/university Voting Member NTCA Reference Manualchriswalker@davidallen.com22 TileLetter | April 2020"