b'TECHNICAL In 2015, members of the Tile Geeks Facebook group from across the country descend-ed on a mud class in Corona, Calif., that LATICRETE offered, to either mentor or learn how to do mud. and have been dabbling in it since.whichwouldhavebeenamuch Istillfloatalmosteveryshowermoredauntingtaskwithouttre-pan,andtechnologyhasspeed- mendoussupportfromtheMUD eduptheprocess.NowIuseaFacebookgroup,heexplained. Bucket Mortar Mixer, and my kidsTheyheldmyhand(digitally) use the old mud tub as a sled inthroughtheprocess,andafew thewinter.Topicalwaterproofingrepetitions have boosted my confi-advancementshavealsoshaveddence. Mud is an ability that I need install time. in my repertoire, and Ill continue I have successfully floated inte- to sharpen it.riorwallsforthinglassmosaic,Davisisstaunchlypro-mud. 90TileLetter | April 2020'