b'EDITORS LETTERLesley A. GoddinSpring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm." John MuirGreetingsreaders!Bynow, put Mario Garcias Mud4 event hopefully spring will have sprungon your calendar for February 27, inyourtownandyouareenjoy- 2021;newCalifornialocationto ing warm weather, balmy breezesbeannounced.TheMud3event andbloomingfl Nomatterthat just took place at the end ofowers. howmildyourwinter,thecolorsFebruary drew 300 people from 17 andwarmthofspringarealwaysstates and Canada to demos, class-welcome. es and the opportunity for installers DidyouattendTISEbackinto meet and network. And 13 peo-January?Ifyoudidnt(andevenple took the Certifi ed Tile Installer ifyoudid),checkoutourprod- program the day before, too! Stay uctsectionthatbringsyounewsinformed at themudevent.comofsomefreshfi ontheshowHealthcareisoneveryonesnds fl mindsthesedays.WriterPhillipoor in Vegas. And NTCAalong with CTEFwas out in force at theM.Perrygivesusatourthrough show.Seewhatwaspercolatingcurrentlyavailableoptions,with in booths, in the conference pro-grams and demo sessions. I dont thinktheresatilecontractorin ourindustrythatisntgratefulfor theamazingadvancesinsetting materials that have developed over the years. But sometimes, doing it the old fashioned waynamely with mud or mortar bedsis the only way to achieve your desired result.Perusethemudstoryin our Technical section, authored by MartinBrookes,withhelpfrom somemudexperts.Andifyou want to learn more about mudorThe Mud3 Event that took place at the mentor others new to the mediumend of February in Fresno, Calif. 16 TileLetter | April 2020'