b'TECHNICAL ersand green lumberyou have allkindsofwallsthatareeither warped, humped or out of level.Whenseekingabsoluteperfec-tion in the installation, mud is the materialofchoice.Smallpenny roundsandothersmallertilesare challengessincetheyshowevery imperfection in the substrate, such asroundcorners,Coxsaid.We doallofourshowers,tubsand fl oorswithmud. Werecentlyhad acustomerrequestsomeofthe newer technology of products. But A NEWafter explaining the benefi ts of old school mud he agreed to go with our method. There may be substitu-CAREERtions but there is no equal.STARTS HERE Foratoors, use mudCox emphasized that mud is the Todaysonlywaytoachieveaperfectly skilledfl at fl oor, especially when working laborwith large concrete on-grade fl oors. shortageBuilding a mud fl oor allows you to is having acreate a fl at substrate to meet ANSI major impact on our industry. standards of fl oor fl atness. Itespeciallycomesintoplay The National Tile Contractors Association Apprenticeshipincreatingleveltransitionsfrom Guidelines Program offersdifferentelevations,orsubstrates guidance to NTCA members in devel- withdifferentfi nishedheights,he oping their own tile fi nishers and tile setters apprenticeship programs. Oursaid.Thisisachievedbystart-program, part of the U.S. Departmenting with the correct depth off the of Labors National Apprenticeship Sys- fl oorandfl oatingthefl ooroffof tem, uses an employer-driven, learn-while-you-earn model that combinesthat point, he explained. Mud on hands-on job-related training withfl oors allows you to fl oat to a drain NTCA University on-line learning.or multiple drains or on a balcony For more information on theto create the proper drain of 1/4 NTCA Apprenticeship Guidelines Program, contact Becky Serbin atper foot to the edge.becky@tile-assn.com or visit our website at tile-assn.com/NTCAU. Itsalsoimportanttobuildin movementaccommodationwhen 94 TileLetter | April 2020'