b'NTCA UNIVERSITY UPDATEmanagetheirtime,tasks,orplandemeanortoadverselyaffectthe for the next hour, day, week, etc.reputation of your business.JustrememberthatyouarentAll of these coursesand many only training someone how to doother soft skill coursesare avail-thework,butyouwantthemtoableonNTCAUniversity. Topur-represent your company in a posi- chaseyoursubscriptionvisitthe tive manner. They should be ableNTCAstoreattile-assn.comand tointeractwithco-workers,cus- makeyourselection.Ifyouhave tomers, and other trades effective- any questions or ideas for courses lyandpositively.Theyshouldntyoud like to see offered, please give bemessy,disorganized,orlookme a call at 770-366-2566 or send lost.Youdontwantsomeonesan email to becky@tile-assn.com.WE MADE TRAINING AN EXPERIENCE3 Days3 Opportunities to LearnYou asked. We answered. Welcome to NTCAs newest training series, the NTCA Training Xperience. This 3-day program includes an evening workshop, a day-long training program and a round table networking event. Come to one or come to all three; just dont miss your chance to be part of the industrys newest training experience! WORKSHOPS REGIONALROUND TABLESHands-on instructionTRAININGCome as you are addressing currentPROGRAMS and ready to talk tile! issues and solutionsAll-day trainingJoin other industry in the tile trade. Threefocused on installingprofessionals in hours of education,gauged porcelain tilean informal setting food, fun andand panels. Learnsharing ideas and networking. where it can be useddiscussing everyday and whats required tochallenges.install it.Visit info.tile-assn.com/ntcax to find out when the NTCA Training Xperience will be in a region near you.96 TileLetter | April 2019'