b'NTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTandexplaininstallationsonmyfloor with mechanical grinders and scope of work for commercial prod- install new tile throughout the lob-ucts.WhenIplacedtheserefer- bies, kitchens and bathrooms. ences in my scope of work, I foundIn the course of doing this work, I that I was getting more jobs. By justhave noticed the commercial kitch-attending a NTCA function and uti- enisunderattack.Thisiswhere lizing the information they gave me,I got my start at age 21, repairing I have increased my business. epoxygroutincommercialres-Untilnow,IhavebeenprettytaurantsbeforeIlandedmyfirst guardedaboutmycreationsand patents.However,theFebruary 2019 TileLetter featured RodKat and itinspiredmetoshareaswell.I am impressed and always intrigued when a fellow tile mechanic installs inthreedimensions.Justbecause we have a two-dimensional mate-rial to work with doesnt mean we must stay there. Hats off to setters whoarepushingthelimitsand exploring new designs. IhavebeentotheCoveringsTile crown molding with waterfall feature.conference in Tampa, Fla., and had agreattime.Iplanonattending inOrlandothisyearaswell. The conference is the best way for me to see new products and ideas and it is also the best way to re-charge my creativity.The key to staying busy in a small townisdiversity.MywifeKaren,Waterfall feature in use. whoisaceramicist,hasbeenan irreplaceableassetandinspiration helpingrunthebusiness,making payroll and putting bids in on time, as well as executing simple organi-zation that I have botched for years. So, with our small crew of 3-5, we have been remodeling commercial restaurants.Wegoinanddemo allthetile,andthenpolishtheCommercial restaurant tile job.64TileLetter | April 2019'