b'NTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTwas in 2006 with a lot more geomet- seminar in Springfield. His knowl-ric tile installs since.edgeandapproachtoexplaining There are endless possibilities ofsetting techniques was top shelf. By which we have only scratched theattendingthemeetingandjoining surface.WhenIsaywe,Iamthe NTCA, I was empowered with referring to installers who truly carea great deal more knowledge. The abouttheirart.IhavebeenonTCNAHandbookhasallofthe coursetomanufacturekits,how- ANSI ratings for products and instal-ever, funding to change an industrylation, so by being aware of this, I canbehardtoobtain,soIhavewasabletocitetheproperpages beenutilizingmyprintreading skills from my electrical experience tobidcommercialjobs. Wehave gonefrom10%commercialwork to 80% in about four years. Support through NTCAThe first time I had real guidance in the industry was in 2012 whenCommercial restaurant project, recently MarkHeinleinfromNTCAhadacompleted.CASABLANCAbyVERACERAMICS.COM62TileLetter | April 2019'