b"EDITOR'S LETTER NTCA workshop or other educationaland better performing, and share their opportunity, and give them the chanceknowledgesothatsoundspecsare to let the light go on as they start pon- written from the get-go. You will have dering the possibilities the trade offersan impact; you will be actively work-(withoutincurringthecrushingdebting to make things better, not just in that college often does).your trade but as a ripple effect to the If you value being heard, get involvedcountryatlarge!Beproudofwhat intheindustry,specifi callyNTCA,you do and how you contribute to the which is known as The Voice of thewellbeing and strength of the nation! Contractor. Through NTCA, membersYou are a patriot!are engaging with manufacturers and distributorsaswellasA&Dprofes- God bless,sionals and general contractors to help elevatetheprofession,fi solutionsnd to on-the-job problems, refi ne settingLesley materials and tools to make jobs easierlesley@tile-assn.comCorrectionRecently, NTCA member and avidgoes on to say, The quote might be TileLetterreaderTonyHocevarofa distortion of the following passage Tuscan Tile & Design in Cleveland,by Seneca (who makes no mention Ohio,pointedoutamisattributionof luck and is in fact quoting his of a quote in my editor letter in thefriend Demetrius the Cynic):CoveringsissueofTileLetter.HeThe best wrestler, he would say, said, the quote Luck is preparationis not he who has learned thorough-meeting opportunity, which I foundly all the tricks and twists of the art, inanonlinequotesearch,attrib- which are seldom met with in actual utedtoOprahWinfrey,actuallywrestling, but he who has well and dates back to Seneca, the esteemedcarefullytrainedhimselfinoneor Roman philosopher born in 54 B.C.,two of them, and watches keenly for whoponderedandgeneratedthatan opportunity of practising them.statement. This fact is well known bySeneca, On Benefi ts, vii. 1scholars,historians,philosophers,Whoever coined this wise phrase, businessgurus,studentsofquotesorrepeateditinsomeform,is and others.emphasizingthatsuccessorluck Further exploration (via Wikiquote)doesnt just fall upon usit takes saysthatthoughthisquotehasintentional preparation and seeking been attributed to Seneca since thethe chance to put that skill or abil-1990s, it is also attributed to otherity to use. Apologies to Seneca, and individuals dating back to 1912. Itthanks for reading, Tony!18 TileLetter | April 2019"