b'QUALIFIED LABORisawaytofi tuneyourskills.ne continuingeducationingeneral helpswiththeconstantchanges in our industry. Tile work is more specifi c than its ever been, with so manydifferentnewtilesandset-ting materials.Stephens would be interested in the Advanced Certifi cation for Tile Installer (ACT) exams as well when they are offered locally to his area. Heencouragesotherstogofor certifi cation. Whetheryouthinkitcanhelp you in business or not, do it for your-self, he said. Do it for your own confi dence. There are no negatives to taking the test; we push ourselves physically and mentally all the time, and this test is no different. European wet room with classic black and white mosaicsWood-look porcelain and pebble scribeIndividually hand-made fi sh scale tilescreate a stunning shower54 TileLetter | April 2019'