b'BUSINESS Who will replace Chinaand what will be the damage of COVID-19?By Donato Grosser, D. Grosser and Associates, Ltd.The imposition of countervailingfrom Chinese tile imports because and antidumping duties onwith such high tariffs no importer Chinese tiles will consider buying ceramic tiles On May 4, the U.S. Internationalfrom China. TradeCommissionconfi rmedthatIn 2018, tile imports from China Chinese exports of ceramic tile areto the United States were about 690 causing injury to U.S. ceramic tilemillion square feet, 31.5% of total manufacturers.Asaresultofthisimports (2,197 million square feet). decision, U.S. Customs offi ces wereIn June 2019 the U.S. Department tobegincollectingtariffsrangingofCommerceannouncedprelimi-from 562.52% to 689.5% for coun- nary duties on Chinese tile imports, tervailing and antidumping duties.and by October 2019 such imports Ineffect,wecanexpectthatweredownalmosttonothing. As U.S. Customs will not collect tariffsaresultoftheseactionsin2019, 26 TileLetter | July 2020'