b'NTCA FIVE-STAR MEMBER SPOTLIGHTNTCA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTthat same year as VP of operations. is sponsored by Thepassionforlearningsome-thing new is part of the reason that from day one Allstate was a NTCA member. Tommy and I knew that the NTCA was the standard setter andbearerforthetileportionof The RedGard family of waterproongourbusiness,Sharpesaid.We andcrack-isolationproductsfrom CUSTOMhelpcontractorsavoidfuturewantedtostayconnectedwith problemsandcompletetileinstallationthelatestindustrydevelopments. projects faster. Ourbudgetwassmallbackthen RedGardLiquidWaterproongandbut we carved out funds for NTCA Crack Prevention Membrane is a ready-to- membership. use, elastomeric product with outstandingStaying up to date on the latest adhesion.Itdeliversdurable,continuous coveragethatexceedsinstallation trends is a big benefit, ANSI A118.10 and ANSISharpe said. Tommy is a stickler A118.12,islistedwithfordoingitrightthefirsttime, IAPMOasashowerpanand the NTCA Five-Star Contractor liner,andcanachievea heavy-duty service rating. program provides proof to our cus-tomers that we do it right. Going throughtheprocesstobecome one proves to yourself that you are doing it right. We were happy to do that because as it is said, Truth hasnothingtohidefrominspec-tion. There is no shame in finding out you need to tweak something RedGardSpeedCoatRapidCuringyou have done for 20 years when WaterproongMembraneisaliquidthere is a better way to do it.waterproongthatexceedsANSIContinually credentialing its staff A118.10 and cures in as little as one hour.is important to Allstate, which cur-To complete shower preparation in a day, applyitoverCUSTOMsSpeedSloperently has three CTEF Certified Tile Rapid Setting Sloping Mortar. Installers(CTIs).Vuwascertified RedGard Uncoupling Mat is the crack- inMayof2018.Robert Vasquez isolation,waterproongandvapor- and Bill Nguyen were certified in managementmembranethatcanbeFebruary of 2019.appliedoverchallengingsubstrateslike plywood and young concrete. It absorbsWe are working with our team to the stress of substrate movement to preserveschedule certifying four more before thesurfaceandintegrityofthetileandtheendofthisyear,Sharpesaid. grout. www.custombuildingproducts.com We are proud to include this certifi-cation on our proposals and believe 64TileLetter | September 2019'