b'National Tile ile National TContrContractors Associationactors AssociationNational Tile Contractors AssociationREGIONAL TRAINING REGIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMREGIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMPROGRAMThe National Tile Contractors Regional Training Program currogram currently ofently offers courses on fers courses on The National Tile Contractors Regional Training PrStandar ds Based Installation of Gauged Porcelain Tile and Gauged Porcelain Tile and Gauged Porcelain Tile Panels/Slabs celain Tile Panels/Slabs Standards Based Installation of Gauged Porand Substrate Pr eparation and Large-Format Tile. These courses pr ovide a hands-on experience The National Tile Contractors Regional Training Program currently ofovide a hands-on experience and Substrate Preparation and Lar ge-Format Tile. These courses pr fers courses on and training for an exclusive grStandards Based Installation of Gauged Poroup of 20 attendees and aroup of 20 attendees and arcelain Tile and Gauged Pore open to NTCA members onlye open to NTCA members onlycelain Tile Panels/Slabs . V. Visit the isit the and training for an exclusive grNTCA website for morand Substrate Preparation and Lare information.e information.ge-Format Tile. These courses provide a hands-on experience NTCA website for morand training for an exclusive group of 20 attendees and are open to NTCA members only. Visit the NTCA website for more information.SttaannddaarrddssBBaasseeddIInnssttaallllaattiioonnooff SttaannddaarrddssPPrraaccttiicceess::S SGaauuggeeddPPoorrcceellaaiinnTTiilleeaanndd SuubbssttrraatteePPrreeppaarraattiioonnG SG anGtaaauunggdeeaddrdPPsoo Brrccaeeslleaadiinn InTTsiillteeaPPllaaatnnioeenllss o//SSfllaabbss a ndnLLdaaarrrggdees PFFoorarrmmctaiactteTTsii:ll eeS StadGauged Porcelain Tile and Substrate Preparation Atttteennddeeeesswwiilllllleeaarrnntthheettiilleeiinndduussttrryy Atttteennddeeeesswwiilllllleeaarrnnhhoowwuuse the ANSI A A se the ANSI Gauged Porcelain Tile Panels/Slabs and Large-Format Tilestandards with a focus on the newA108NA Handbook standards with a focus on the newA108 ssttaannddaarrddssaannddTTCCNA Handbook stttaatennndddaaerrddesss aawnnilddl lmmeaeerttnhh otohddess tffilooerr iininndssuttaaslltllriinnyggtottaaeddndddrreeeesssss wrreeilaal lllewwaoornrrll ddhoccwhhaa ulllleesenn ggtheeess AiinnN SI tos AAG h andss A1n0d8s stooannndiinnassrttdaasllll aaattniioodnn ssTCffooNccAuu ssHiinnaggndoobnnook GtaaauunggdeeaddrdPPs oowrrcciteehll aaaii nnfoTTciiulleesaa onnndd tPPheaa nnneeellssw LLeeaarrnn hah sou bssto t u bhoawwnd iittaiirssdmsm aaandddee ,,mwwehhteehrroeediistt ccfoaarnn inbbseetauulsslineegdd aanndd s asdttdrraaretteessee xxreaaamml wiinnoaattriiloodnn caahnnaddlleppnrrgeeeppsaa irrnaa ttiioonntheussgppeeedcc iPiaaolltrtcooeoolllassi,,nss Teeittltteiinn aggnmmd aaPttaeenrriieaalllsss. aaLnneddarnfornfseG har sdestt-ttiionnngg illnaasrrggtaeellaffootirrommnsaa ttfottiiclleeusing on thae otech qu ee substrate examination and preparation t ecwh nnho itii qisumssarrdeeeqq,uu wiirreehddertteoo itiinn cssattaanll llbiitte used and the special tools, setting materials andfor setting large-format tile.For moreiinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::66001199339922007711ttiilleeaassssnnccoommFor moretechniques required to install it.For more information: 601-939-2071tile-assn.com'