b'Taking The Plunge with MAPEI solutions to resuscitate a historic swimming poolto draw tourists to San Diego. Thepieceofthepark.Laterrenamed centerpromotedthecityandThe Plunge, the pool measured 60 not so coincidentallySpreckelsx 175 with a capacity of 400,000 realestateventures.ItfeaturedU.S. gallons, making it the worlds theGiantDipperRollerCoaster,largest saltwater pool for its time. a 2,600-ft.-long wooden thrill rideBy 1940, however, the saltwater with two 18-passenger trains.had begun to damage The Plunges Thecentersothermainattrac- filtrationsystem.Sowithafew tionwasTheNatatorium,anmodifications, it became the larg-indoor swimming pool constructedest indoor, heated freshwater pool fromstuccoandsteelinSpanishin Southern California. The center Renaissancestyleasthecenter- was sold to private owners in 1955 TileLetter | September 201941'