If you spend time with anyone involved in the proper installation of ceramic tile, the TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation will be the focal point of the conversation. Why? Because this useful guide assists in clarifying and standardizing installation specifica- tions for tile. In addition to providing a selection of numbered installation “methods” for differentiating and easy reference, the Handbook includes various prod- uct selection guides for ceramic, glass, and stone tiles; guidelines for wet areas; field and installation require- ments, and more. Produced by the Tile Council of North America (TCNA), the TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation has been pub- lished on a continuous basis since 1963. Here’s an overview: First, what is the TCNA? Tile Council of North America is a trade association representing manu- facturers of ceramic tile, tile instal- lation materials, tile equipment, raw materials, and other tile-related products. It was established in 1945 as the Tile Council of America (TCA). In 2003, it became TCNA reflecting how its membership has expanded to include all of North America. Tile Council is recognized for its leadership role in facilitating the development of North American and international industry quality stan- dards to benefit tile consumers. Additionally, TCNA regularly con- ducts independent research and product testing, works with regula- tory, trade, and other government agencies, offers professional training, and publishes industry-consensus guidelines and standards, economic reports, and promotional literature. One of the highlights of the yearly Coverings show is hearing TCNA Executive Director Eric Astrachan review the state of the ceramic tile industry – from an economic per- spective as well as from a cre- ative and trend perspective in North The TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass and Stone Tile Installation Sponsored by TECH TALK –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– By CTEF Blog Team This article is the first of three articles that examine, explore and explain the documents and publications essential to the health of our industry: The TCNA Handbook, the ANSI Standards and the NTCA Reference Manual. 60 TileLetter | January 2018