For 2017, the Green Guide of the TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass and Stone Tile Installation has been fully updated for the first time in six years. One of the primary changes is the inclusion of EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations), a huge crite- rion in LEED v 4 – which you can read more about in our Green Tip section in this issue. This publicly available data provides transpar- ency of the product’s environmen- tal impact, whether that product is North American-made tile, or North American-made cement mortar, or cement grout. You can also read more about Green Squared® and Green Squared Certified® products in this month’s Green Tip, and how this multi- attribute product standard supports your selection of conforming prod- ucts. This standard and program is further detailed in the Handbook. The Handbook has a great deal of detail about specifying and working with sustainable products. Following is a bit of an overview of what to consider. Additional green tile and installation material con- siderations that are detailed in the Handbook include: • Recycled content – pre-consum- er and post-consumer waste. • Regional availability – Tile prod- ucts manufactured with indig- enous raw materials and within close proximity of building sites can help reduce overall energy consumption and air pollution. • Indoor air quality – Building materials with few or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are necessary for good indoor air quality – which is good news for tile since ceramic and porcelain tiles have zero VOCs. • Exterior contribution – Light col- ored tiles in hardscaping provide reflectance and avoid heat-island effect. • Cleaning and maintenance – The use of tile generally elimi- nates the need for harsh cleaning chemicals and their environmen- tal burdens. • Cleanliness and sterility – Inherently, ceramic tiles are inhos- pitable to dust mites, mold, germs and bacteria – a benefit for those with allergies or asthma. Plus some tiles and installation materi- als have innovative components that inhibit microbial growth. TCNA Handbook is your guide to sustainable products and practices Sponsored by TECH TALK –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 50 TileLetter | August 2017