b'TECHNICALthem to blend the grout jointspaperfacetomoistenitand from sheet to sheet. hydrate the glue that holds it to 4.Cut squares or rectangles fromthe face of the tile. Dont get it sheets to overlap sheets as youso wet the paper will fall apart. installthem,blendinggroutDontletitbetoodrysothe joints from sheet to sheet. paper tugs tiles out of alignment 5.Step back from your work andwhile you remove it. Practice.take photos of small sections as6.Pull the paper from one corner you set them. Sheet lines can beor edge of the tile at an angle muchmorevisibleinaphotoacross the face of the sheet until than when you are focused upthe paper is off. If the tiles shift close. Examining your work inor pull out of the mortarallow this way as you go allows you tothemortartocurelongerand see sheet lines that you couldnttry again. To reduce the amount while setting and make adjust- ofpullingforce,tryusinga ments while they are freshly set. knifetoslicethepaperinto 6.Usehardshims,spacers,smaller sections and pull along wedges,orapplytapetothethe short side of the section.surfacetoholdtilesinplace7.Adjust individual tiles as need-while they cure. ed. Insert the long, clean edge 7.Aftercuring,cleansqueeze- of a straight, flat trowel into the through mortar before groutingjoints between tiles and use it to and applying sealant at move- align the mosaic.ment and expansion joints and8.Step back from your work and changes in plane. takephotosofsmallsections asyousetthem.Sheetlines Paper face-specific instructions: canbemuchmorevisiblein 1.Aftersettingthetileandmak- aphotothanwhenyouare ingsurebondcoatcoveragefocusedupclose.Examining isachieved,alignthetilestoyour work in this way as you ensure there are no sheet lines. go allows you to see sheet lines 2.Staggersheetsasyouinstallthat you couldnt while setting them to blend the grout jointsandmakeadjustmentswhile from sheet to sheet. they are freshly set.3.Cut squares or rectangles from9.Use hard shims, spacers, wedg-sheets to overlap sheets as youes, or apply tape to the surface installthemtoblendgroutto hold tiles in place while they joints from sheet to sheet. cure.4.Allowthesettilestocurein10. Aftercuring,cleansqueeze-placefor15to30minutesthrough mortar before grouting (dependingonthepaperandand applying sealant at move-adhesive). ment and expansion joints and 5.Applyadampspongetothechanges in plane.62TileLetter | September 2020'