b"ColumnsTHE INDUSTRY ' S LEADING TILE6 Welcome New Members INSTALLATION MAGAZINEB ARTA. B ETTIGA , publisher 8 NTCA Virtual Workshopsbart@tileletter.comL ESLEYA. G ODDIN , editor 10 Editors letter lesley@tileletter.comM ICHELLEC HAPMAN , art director14 Presidents letter advertising sales michelle@tileletter.com18 Ask the Experts: M ARYS HAW -O LSON , advertising sales Sponsored by LATICRETE International, Inc. mary@tileletter.comMailing Address:24Business: P.O. Box 13629Attracting young artisans to the craft of tile Jackson, MS 39236 U.S.ASponsored by MAPEI Corporation Shipping Address:626 Lakeland East DriveJackson, MS 3923248 NTCA Member Spotlight:Tel: 601-939-2071Respect and skill distinguish Florida tile contractor,Fax: 601-932-6117Shawn King Websites: By Lesley Goddin, Editorwww.tileletter.comSponsored by Custom Building Productswww.tile-assn.comNTCA would not be possible without 56 Technical:the dedicated service of our board andcommitteemembers,regional Working with face and mesh directorsandstateambassadors. mount sheet mosaics Meet these dedicated volunteers by visiting www.tile-assn.com and click-By Mark Heinlein, NTCA Technical Director ing on About NTCA. You can also find Sponsored by ARDEX Americas information and a continually updat-ed list of NTCA Five-Star Contractors at www.tile-assn.comclick on Find 98 In Memory:an NTCA Five-Star Contractor.Vincent N. PompoTILELETTER EDITORIAL POLICY: TileLetter is a magazineoftheNationalTileContractors 100News Association, Inc. (NTCA). TileLetter provides a medium for expressing views and opinions without approving, disapproving, or guaran-104 Products teeing the validity or accuracy of any data, claim or opinion appearing under a byline, 106 Advertiser Index or obtained or quoted from an acknowledged source. Statements of fact and opinion are madeontheresponsibilityoftheauthors alone, and do not imply an opinion or reect the ofcial position of NTCA.The National Tile Contractors Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity association and seeks to include qualied individuals and businesses in all phases of its activities. The National Tile Contractors Association, Inc. does not discrimi-nate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, or disability. The National Tile Contractors Association, Inc. seeks opportunities to include these groups in its programs and activities.TileLetter is a free subscription to the tile, stone andalliedproductsindustries.Tosubscribe, visit www.tileletter.com click on Advertisers & Subscribers click on Subscribe. To make address changes or unsubscribe, please send an email to: webmaster@tileletter.com.4TileLetter | September 2020"