b"ONE-TO-ONEof reducing waste and being evenWithallthisinnovation, more environmentally friendly.itseasytooverlookother Theseeffortshavealreadypro- category-leadingproductslike duced many marquis new products.SpectraLOCK 1, which we feel is In 2020 weve launched an inno- thebestsingle-componentgrout vative modular adhesive calledonthemarket.Weveonlyhad LATICRETESELECT-BOND,it on the market for a few weeks, which allows contractors to inven- andthecustomerreviewsare tory one LHT adhesive base that isnothing short of stellar. jobsite tuneable to meet variousWe intend to extend our lead in challenges. This system leveragesthe industry by providing the best the Performance Pack technolo- new product innovations. gy similar to our PERMACOLOR Selectgroutsystem.Withper-formancepacks,thetileinstaller canaddANSIA118.15shock-resistance, speed up his job with a rapid pack or make it non-sag for when the installation goes ver-tical.Itisalsocompatiblewith all of our PERMACOLOR Select Color Kits, so it can also be tinted to match any one of our stock 40Nash also praised SpectraLOCK 1. Though colors. We see a bright future forits only been on the market for a few this system.weeks, Nash said it's been receiving stel-lar customer reviews.HowhasLATICRETEsupported industryeffortstoaddressglar-ingneedssuchasashortageof tile installers, the need for basic, intermediate and advanced train-ing, and certification?LATICRETE has long recognized the efforts of the NTCA and CTEF in helping secure the future of our This year, LATICRETE launched an innova- industry. We believe in their mis-tive modular adhesive called LATICRETEsions. SELECT-BOND, which allows contrac- Lackofskilledlaborisabig tors to inventory one LHT adhesive base that is jobsite tuneable to meet variousproblem,andinmyopinion, challenges. everyonewhoprofitsfromthis 64TileLetter | June 2020"