b'STONE MAINTENANCEthecleanerandthephysicaltooltile,stoneandwoodfl Onoors. used for cleaning. In fact, dirt onheavily-touchedsurfaces,aspray asurfacecanactuallycoverupgrease remover works wonders. germs,andkillingthembecomes more diffi cult.DisinfectDisinfectioniscertainlyappro-Clean fi rst priateinmanycases,particularly Hereshowtoproceed.First,when trying to eliminate the pos-its important to consider the typesibility of catching a virus from an ofmaterial.Chooseacleaninginfectedperson.However,when productthatsuitsthesurface;itsusing harsh chemicals like chlorine certainly not worth ruining a beau- or ethanol, checking the products tifulgranitecountertopwiththecompatibilitywiththematerialis wrongcleaner.Neutralcleanerskey in preventing damage to those workbestondelicatesurfaces,household surfaces we hold dear. especiallywhentheydontleave a residue, since residue creates aPreventionnestinggroundforgerms.WhileSpeakingofprevention,now that we know stains attract germs, wouldntitbenicetoprevent stainsinthefi rstplace?Thats wheresurfacetreatmentscome intoplay.Whiledirtrestsonthe surface,stainspenetrate,making them more challenging to remove. The CDC recommends cleaning all surfac-es before disinfecting them. Spray clean-ers are perfect for everyday maintenance of countertops and frequently-touched objects.cleaning products that are diluted inwaterareperfectforcleaning fl oorswithamopandbucket, lets face itmost of us dont mopHeavy duty maintenance with diluted concentrated cleaners is a great way to onadailybasis,andthatcantmaintain tile and stone fl oors. become an excuse for not cleaning at all. Thats why ready-to-use sprayBrunelloexplained,Treatment cleanersaresuchagreatoptionis usually carried out on absorbent for those spills on counters, tables,materialssuchasnaturalstone, desksandevenforspotcleaningconcreteandeventhegroutwe 54 TileLetter | June 2020'